June 21st: The longest day of the year, when the sun reaches its most northerly point, a time when that thin veil between the human and fairy world disappears. For fairy-house builders, you can stay outside longer. The dark cool nights won’t turn you away. In summer, there are so many materials to use: flowers, vegetables, sticks from your backyard; shells, driftwood, sea glass shells, feathers, seaweed at the beach. And now that school is out, you’ll have all day to embark on fairy adventures. Find a fairy festival; have a fairy tea party; write the fairies a letter; visit a botanical garden or fairy trail in your community and add your own fairy house. (Check out page 56 in Fairy Houses All Yearfor even more ideas).
The point is that time is on your side now. In summer, there are no “time to do you homework” or “it’s getting late, come inside,” shouts. If you want to increase your chances of seeing fairies on this day, there are two ways to approach the solstice:
Be on the lookout for a fairy ring: a place where fairies meet to dance and sing, usually in the middle of the night. This may be a circle of stones, toadstools, darker colored grass. Whatever you do, though, do not disturb the ring. Legend is that the queen will take you to Fairy Land and it is very difficult to get out.Make your own ring with shells or rocks (or any other items you can find; our kits include lots of great items) and perhaps the fairies will find it an have a party there.
If your interest is piqued, you can find many more fun activities and projects in Fairy Houses All Yearspecifically for summer, including how to make:
Pressed flowersFlower perfumePlant a butterfly gardenFairy playgrounds, decks & patios, swimming poolsFairy CakesSeaside fairy camps
And for those who prefer the colder months, who favor the changing leaves in fall or the blanket of snow in winter, these seasons are, of course, covered equally in the book. This is the book that keeps on giving all year long. Though so many of us look forward to this time of year, we also know how fleeting it can be be, so get out there and enjoy it. And share any of your fairy adventures with us!